Timothy Wiegand, MD, FACMT, FAACT, DFASAM

Dr. Timothy J. Wiegand specializes in medical toxicology and addiction medicine. He is an associate professor of emergency medicine and public health sciences and the director of toxicology at Strong Memorial Hospital and for UR Medicine. Dr. Wiegand is also the medical director of Huther Doyle, a New York OASAS-certified addiction services provider in Rochester, New York, where he works in a collaborative model providing a variety of services for patients with substance use disorders and serves as facilitator for their Project ECHO program on pain, opioid prescribing, and addiction. In addition to ED, hospital and clinic work treating drug exposure, intoxication and withdrawal Dr. Wiegand is involved with medical education and research in toxicology and addiction. He is the associate program director for the UR Medicine Combined Addiction Medicine Fellowship, and he is core faculty for the emergency medicine residency at Strong Memorial Hospital. He lectures locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally on topics in addiction medicine and medical toxicology and serves on the board of directors for several state and national organizations including as an at-large director for the American Society of Addiction Medicine, a second term (completing 2022) for the American College of Medical Toxicology, the Medical Toxicology Foundation and he is currently president of the New York Society of Addiction Medicine. Dr. Wiegand is particularly interested in education in addiction medicine and the integration and collaboration between addiction medicine and medical toxicology.